woot.com / blog / By harold New PromotionsReusable Faceshields from $24.99 to $44.99See the best deals available, just today. Free shipping for Prime members!See every deal that Woot has to offer today.Find deals under $25. The best deals on Woot, for an affordable price.Reusable Faceshields from $24.99 to $44.99 Who the Heck is Woot?Woot’s the original daily deals site, founded in 2004 and snatched up by Amazon in 2010. Originally, Woot offered just one product per day until we sold out. Today, we offer special daily deals and other limited-time offers across seven categories. Discover deals nowWhy the heck would I shop on Woot!?Ridiculously Good DealsCrazy low prices on stuff you need and stuff you didn’t even know you neededShenanigansDaily polls, jokes, and monkey chats from our monkey mascots, Mortimer and MonteShipping BenefitsAmazon Prime members get free standard shipping on Woot, and free express shipping on Shirt.WootA Woot-off? What’s a Woot-off? It’s a day-long gauntlet of unannounced deals, with deals launching every 30 minutes or so. Woot-offs don’t happen often, but when they do, you’ll want to check back so you don’t miss the super-cheap prices, limited-quantity offers, and the elusive……Bags of Crap!That’s right, Bags of Crap (or BOCs, as we call ’em). Seriously, we’ll sell anything. A BOC is a random collection of stuff that we shove into a box and sell to you. Wooters have received brand-new laptops, a single shoe, expired batteries, and more. You’ll never know when they’ll appear, or what you’ll get! What’s the deal with the Community?A teeming hive of chitchat, our forums are where the Woot conversation never stops. It’s a great way to get in-depth product reviews and insights from other Wooters. Jump in and join the cool crowd. Don’t worry, it’s easy.We have an app! Yes, it’s a magical place where you can see our deals, plus additional appsclusive offers and jokes. We’ll even send you to push notifications for our deals and Bags of Crap if you want. Now what? It’s easy! Make sure you’re signed up for our Daily Digest email. We’ll deliver our best deals right to your inbox. Sign up now Share on FacebookTweet Share this:FacebookX Post navigation ← Previous PostNext Post → Enjoy this blog? Please spread the word :) error: Content is protected !!